Is there a 'solution' to life?

Posts tagged ‘faith’

Genesis 45 – At long last, all things are revealed.

It has been a long time since I have blogged.
I think that must be my most frequent opening, since it is almost always a long time since I have last blogged.

Quite a lot has happened since my last blog. Last you all heard via wordpress is I was employed part time, studying part time and I suppose I  was living part time, even though I didn’t express it, as I wasn’t aware of it.

I applied for the position of youth worker in a local church. I was really excited about the whole process really. The application went relatively smoothly, the interview went well, and I was invited to do a short teaching at the youth club as a follow up. That also went well! However, after missing several phone calls I received an email apologising two fold, firstly for the method of communication, and secondly that I was not the man for the job!
I have to admit, I was, and deep down still am upset about that, I thought I’d be good at the job, and to be fair, I believe I am correct in that thinking. They felt, and I honour and agree with that feeling that God was not calling me to their church, partly due to inexperience working with their kind of kids, and they felt I would struggle to drive forward their vision for the youth work in their parish.
Oh well! I believe God has something better for me in store, although from here I don’t know what that is. I do know that I’m glad to be staying at Central for the foreseeable future, and continuing to live with my community – my extended family.

How does this relate to Genesis 45? How have I managed to relate my story to that of Joseph and his brothers?

Snap shot: Me and Gideon

Gideon is one of my favourite biblical Characters, for one reason. Self-obsession, not that Gideon was self obsessed. More like I see a lot of Gideon in myself.

Connection 1 – Names

Now according to Wikipedia, Gideon means “Mighty warrior” and The word is derived from the Greek: Ανδρέας, Andreas, itself related to Ancient Greek: ἀνήρ/ἀνδρός aner/andros, “man” (as opposed to “woman”), thus meaning “manly” and, as consequence, “strong”, “courageous”, and “warrior”.

Warrior and mighty warrior bah duuuuuhhhhhhh.

Connection 2 – Family
